Baggage Scanner & Metal Detector

A Baggage Scanner consists of a conveyor and screen that can detect a range of sophisticated threats in passengers' baggage. X-ray baggage scanners are ideal for checkpoints, Small Baggage, and large baggage scanning in high-security premises such as Airports, Government offices, Railways, Commercial buildings, hotels, and other premises applications.

A Metal Detector is an electronic instrument that detects metal nearby. Metal detectors are useful for finding metal inclusions hidden within objects or metal objects buried underground. They often consist of a handheld unit with a sensor probe that can be swept over the ground or other objects.

Benefits of Baggage Scanner

  1. Most efficient devices in public places to scan through thousands of items and cargo that pass through the conveyor belt daily.
  2. Previously detected knife tools, narcotics, and weapons.

Benefits of Metal Detector

  1. The walk-through Detector alerts security personnel when a person passing through the arch carries metallic objects.
  2. A handheld Detector is primarily used by security personnel to physically examine if the person is concealing a metallic object.